26-Jul-2018  Version 0.15.0 almost ready


  • The 0.15.0 version is almost ready and will be in line somewhere this fall.

12-Feb-2018  Cloud service launched


  • The cloud service is now ready. It use the latest stable PySptools development version.

29-Jan-2018  PySptools 0.15.0 cloud version is now stable an can be use in production


  • The library support Gradient Boosting, the very good XGBoost and LightGBM librairies are now part of it. This is a first version, the machine learning step work very well but many problems remains with cross validation. Cross validation can be use but it's restricted. Gradient Boosting is surprisingly effective for hyperspectral analysis. If you take a look a the documentation, check the new module 'ml'.

  • New examples that show the use of Gradient Boosting. Visit the 'ml' module documentation.